1.5 (12/06/2002)
by W@NJIK |
1.5 is out! Only some bugfixes here but a new
map. I'll get this one most certainly at the end
of the next week but seeing the changelog of this
version, I think there will be no compatibility
problem with Wbot.
Don't forget to check the official
CS site and as usual, csnation
offers a whole bunch of mirrors during the first
hours following the release for you to download
and CS 1.4 (03/05/2002)
by W@NJIK |
I tested
Wbot with CS 1.4 and it seemed to work nicely.
Moreover, from what I read in my mails or on discussion
forums, other people don't have trouble running
Wbot on the latest CS version too. So everything
is fine :)
1.4 (27/04/2002)
by W@NJIK |
1.4 is out! I won't be able to download it before
next week, so I don't know yet if Wbot is compatible
with it.
Check out the official
CS site.
times (06/03/2002)
by W@NJIK |
During the
last month I had less time than ever to work on
the bot, down to about one hour in two weeks.
I can't seriously make a bot spending so little
time on it.
When I began this bot, it was meant
to be a good replacement for Android bot by Data,
my personal favourite at that time, because of
the 'grenade bug' it had and no fix from Data.
I really haven't planned to add so much features
in it and the problem now is that the way it was
done couldn't handle many more, so I would have
to rewrite major parts of the code, this means
a lot of work to see nearly no difference in the
bots behaviour, and I don't have that time.
So I stop this project for at least
a few months, but maybe forever...
Beta 1.0 test version out! (29/01/2002)
by W@NJIK |
I will not
list all the new features of that release compared
to alpha 4.0a, just give the main ones, you will
know about all small other things by using it.
So here's what has changed :
bots can now make quick successive jumps
- fixed crash bug that happend sometimes after
planting the bomb
- greatly improved hostage recuing : bots
are able to successfully rescue all the hostages
nearly every time, they will no longer steal
already 'used' hostages and they can use them
anywhere on the map.
- improved unstucking code
- improved player avoidance code
- sniper bots that have a teammate between
them and an enemy will now move instead of
just standing
- the waypoint editor checks for more errors
when saving
- fixed bot using SG550 sniper rifle was never
selecting the knife
- better weapon pickup code
- added skill settings from 1 to 100, skill
affects aiming speed and reaction time
- reduced flashbang effect on bots
- better aiming (bots will less often fire
an entire clip whithout hitting the target),
partially compensates CS1.3 hitboxes bugs
- a bit less head shots
- bots are throwing HE grenades
- fixed a bug where the bot didn't guess correctly
if they could still see the enemy while ducking
added config and botname files
There is no
help file provided with this release, but the config
file is pretty well explained and with the 'totalplayers'
command most users won't even need to use the console.
The new skill settings cover a wide
variety of players, you should be able to kill a
bot with skill 1 before he notices you are in front
of him, and a skill 100 bot is insanely fast at
aiming and reacts lightspeed. Note that the skill
setting only affects aiming speed and reaction time
so far, so even a skill 1 bot could kill you with
a HS at close distance if you give him enough time
To all Wbot waypointers: use the waypoint
save command with your waypoint files, as it now
checks for all common mistakes you could have made.
An incorrect waypoint file is the source of many
reported bugs.
And finally, tell me if you find some
bugs, if you think something is wrong or if you
wish something to be changed or added : this bot
will be as YOU want it to be, and for that I need
Download it at this
page and Enjoy! |
news! (28/01/2002)
by W@NJIK |
That damn
bug has been fixed, at last. The download will
be available tomorrow, I'm just testing a bit
to see if everything works correctly.
1.0 test version soon (21/01/2002)
by W@NJIK |
it should already be out, but I'm having problems
with the skill settings and I can't get them fixed.
As soon as they are, I'll release it, hope that
this won't take more than a few days. I also updated
the progress section,
so you can have an idea of what this test version
will be.
news (09/01/2002)
by W@NJIK |
First of
all, I wish you all a happy new year!
The last two weeks I was wondering if I will continue
or not Wbot so to be open I didn't code a lot
since the last update, but I decided to continue.
I also decided to release soon a test version
for beta1 as it will not be out before a while
and there already was a too long wait since alpha4
update (19/12/2001)
by W@NJIK |
Ok now the
bots are using grenades much more effectively.
I'm currently working to improve it and correct
some problems with bot crouching, weapon firing
and player avoidance.
1 progress (09/12/2001)
by W@NJIK |
I made some
little design change and added a new progress
section on the site, it will tell you how the
things are going, what is done and how much work
left before the release. I'm concentrating on
grenade handling for the moment, but I've got
exams during the whole next week so I will not
code until next week end.
Oh, and this progress section will
not be updated every day :)
stage is over (29/11/2001)
by W@NJIK |
The next
Wbot version will be a beta, so I'm planning to
add a lot of features to it. Here are the main
- grenade handling (at least HE grenades)
- as_ maps handling
- use and understanding of some radio commands
- bots will speak a bit
- config and name files
- in-game menu
- selectable skill for bots
I now have fewer time than before to spend on
the bot and there is a lot of work to do, so it
will not take one month to be done, just be patient!
Beta 1 will be a major release.
files (12/10/2001)
by W@NJIK |
I added a
new section to the site : the waypoints
one. In it you will find waypoint files made by
Wbot users, for both official and non-official
maps. If you made some waypoint files and think
they're good, you can send them to me so I put
them on the site but you must respect the following
- Send all your waypoint files in a single
ZIP file attached to a mail with the following
title : "waypoint files from [your nickname]".
- Don't resend me your files every 2 days
for small fixes, I will delete such mails (let's
say a minimum of 1 week between each update) and
resend me all your files even if you only updated
one map, the attached file will be put on the
site as I receive it in the mail.
- For comments about waypoint files, ask
directly the authors.